15 Nov 2019

Using the information in the table below, enter the correct pH that should be used to separate the following three amino acids by electrophoresis:

(a) Glu, Lys, and Thr: pH=?

(b) His, Lys, and Arg: pH=?


pKa Values for Ionizable Groups of Amino Acids.
Amino Acid pKa of α-COOH pKa of α-NH3+ pKa of Side Chain Isoelectric Point (pI)
Alanine 2.35 9.87 - 6.11
Arginine 2.01 9.04 12.48 10.76
Asparagine 2.02 8.80 - 5.41
Aspartic acid 2.10 9.82 3.86 2.98
Cysteine 2.05 10.25 8.00 5.02
Glutamic acid 2.10 9.47 4.07 3.08
Glutamine 2.17 9.13 - 5.65
Glycine 2.35 9.78 - 6.06
Histidine 1.77 9.18 6.10 7.64
Isoleucine 2.32 9.76 - 6.04
Leucine 2.33 9.74 - 6.04
Lysine 2.18 8.95 10.53 9.74
Methionine 2.28 9.21 - 5.74
Phenylalanine 2.58 9.24 - 5.91
Proline 2.00 10.60 - 6.30
Serine 2.21 9.15 - 5.68
Threonine 2.09 9.10 - 5.60
Tryptophan 2.38 9.39 - 5.88
Tyrosine 2.20 9.11 10.07 5.63
Valine 2.29 9.72 -


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Tod Thiel
Tod ThielLv2
2 Sep 2019

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