23 Nov 2019

1. True or False. a. A positively charged ion is called an anion. b. If an atom gives up an electron, it creates negatively charged ion. c. Valence electrons are the electrons that are available for bonding and located in the shells closest to the nucleus. d. An ionic bond is the result of electron sharing. e. When atoms gain, lose, or share electrons they do so in order to have an electron configuration of a noble gas. f. As you go across the periodic table left to right, electronegativity will increase. g. The number of valence electrons an atom has is equal to the atomic number. h. Fluorine cannot be the central atom due to the fact that is can only accept 2 electrons. i. When a covalent bond occurs, the atoms overlap one another to create a new orbital. The more overlapping, the stronger the bond. j. A triple bond is considered to be a weak bond.

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Nelly Stracke
Nelly StrackeLv2
30 Jun 2019

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