29 Nov 2019

The rate of a chemical reaction depends on the concentrations ofthe reactants. For the general reaction between Aand B,


The dependence of the reaction rate on the concentration of eachreactant is given by the equation called the rate law:


where k is a proportionality constant called the rateconstant. The exponent m determines the reaction orderwith respect to A, and n determines the reaction orderwith respect to B. The overall reaction order equals the sum of theexponents (m+n).

For the reaction A+B+C?D+E, the initial reaction rate wasmeasured for various initial concentrations of reactants. Thefollowing data were collected:

Trial [A]
Initial rate
1 0.40 0.40 0.40 1.2

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Irving Heathcote
Irving HeathcoteLv2
17 Dec 2019

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