
AP Chemistry: The Periodic Table of Elements/Practice Exam

1. Which of the following will react violently with water to form a base?

a. Calcium

b. Cobalt

c. Aluminum

d. Chlorine

e. Potassium


2. As you move from left to right on the periodic table, what generally happens to the boiling point of elements?

a. It increases, then decreases.

b. It increases

c. It remains constant

d. It decreases, then increases.

e. It decreases


3. Which of the following elements is a main group element?

a. Tungsten

b. Manganese

c. Aluminum

d. Copper

e. Gold


4. Given the following information, which element(s) are most likely to lose electrons?

I. Iodine is a member of Group VII (halides).

II. Strontium is located in the second column of the periodic table.

III. Selenium has six valence electrons.

a. Selenium

b. Selenium and Strontium

c. Strontium

d. Idine


5. Which family has the lowest electronegativity?

a. The oxygen family

b. The halogenss

c. The alkaline earth metals

d. The alkali metals

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Kenneth DuqueLv10
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