13 Dec 2019

Can someone check this over for me and see if it sounds ok or if I should change anything. Suggestions are appreciated:

Topic 1: Describe the factors that lead to Markovnikov's Rule. Choose a reaction example that follows Markovnikovs Rule, describe the reaction and highlight the factors.

2-Methylpropene combines with Hydrogen Bromine to create 2-Bromo-2-Methylpropane. This makes the double carbon bond to separate and the Bromine Ion to bind with the carbon that has more alkyl groups. Bromine Ions are more electronegative than the hydrogen ions thus, the hydrogen ions tend to bind with fewer carbon. This chemical reaction is when one structural isomer is produced exclusively when other isomers are also theoretically possible. This is called regiospecific reaction. 2-Bromo-2-Methylpropane is a regiospecific reaction result.

Topic 2: Propose and describe several factors that can account for the stability difference between cyclohexane and benzene.


1. Saturated and can form chair formations to relieve strain.

2. Has all sp3 hybridized orbitals

3. One of the least reactive hydrocarbons


1. It is aromatic

2. Has double carbon bonds between every other carbon

3. The double carbon bonds create strain

4. It does not allow for chair formation

5. Forces a planar structure

6. Does not allow relief on strain

7. They are more stable than most alkenes

8. Have delocalization of electrons

9. Is less reactive

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Collen Von
Collen VonLv2
17 Dec 2019

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