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silverdolphin677 asked for the first time
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ivorygnu803 asked for the first time
in Computer ScienceĀ·
28 Apr 2021

Use Bst Below As Example feel free to use Whatever Feels Easiest


#include "bst.h"

* This function assumes that the key is allocated on the heap already
node* insert(node *temp_root, char *key, double value) {
if (temp_root == NULL) {
temp_root = malloc(sizeof(node));
temp_root->key = key;
temp_root->value = value;
temp_root->left = NULL;
temp_root->right = NULL;
} else if (strcmp(key, temp_root->key) < 0) {
temp_root->left = insert(temp_root->left, key, value);
} else if (strcmp(key, temp_root->key) > 0) {
temp_root->right = insert(temp_root->right, key, value);
} else {
printf("%s already exists in the tree. No action taken\n", key);
return temp_root;

* This functions searches for a key in a tree
* Returns the node that has the key or NULL otherwise
node* find(node *temp_root, char *key) {
node *result = NULL;
if (temp_root != NULL) {
if (strcmp(key, temp_root->key) == 0) {
result = temp_root; // I found it
} else if (strcmp(key, temp_root->key) < 0) {
result = find(temp_root->left, key);
} else {
result = find(temp_root->right, key);
return result;

void print_helper(node *tree, FILE *out) {
if (tree != NULL) {
print_helper(tree->left, out);
fprintf(out, "%s\t%f\n", tree->key, tree->value);
print_helper(tree->right, out);

* Print contents of a tree in order
void tprint(node *tree, char *file_name) {
FILE *out = fopen(file_name, "w");
print_helper(tree, out);

* Reclaim memory on the heap
void clear(node *tree) {
if (tree != NULL) {


Use Gutenberg Below As Example feel free to use Whatever Feels Easiest

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "bst.h"

const char *delim = "&";
// You may want to change the slash if you are working on Windows to '\'
const char slash = '/';

Ā * Walk the bigram tree and calculate the conditional probability
Ā */
void print_prob_helper(node *uni_tree, node *bi_tree, FILE *out) {
Ā if (bi_tree != NULL) {
Ā  // Walk the left sub-tree first
Ā  print_prob_helper(uni_tree, bi_tree->left, out);

Ā  // Process the current node
Ā  char *bigram = bi_tree->key;
Ā  double bi_count = bi_tree->value;
Ā  // Find the delim
Ā  int l1 = strlen(bigram);
Ā  int index = -1;
Ā  for (int i = 0; i < l1; i++) {
Ā  Ā if (bigram[i] == delim[0]) {
Ā  Ā  index = i;
Ā  Ā  break;
Ā  Ā }
Ā  }
Ā  if (index == -1) {
Ā  Ā fprintf(stderr, "Something wrong with this bigram: %s.\n", bigram);
Ā  Ā fprintf(stderr, "The program terminated abnormally.\n");
Ā  Ā exit(1);
Ā  } else {
Ā  Ā // Extract the first word from the bigram
Ā  Ā char w1[index + 1];
Ā  Ā for (int j = 0; j < index; j++) {
Ā  Ā  w1[j] = bigram[j];
Ā  Ā }
Ā  Ā w1[index] = '\0';

Ā  Ā // Extract the second word from the bigram
Ā  Ā int l2 = l1 - index - 1;
Ā  Ā char w2[l2 + 1];
Ā  Ā for (int k = 0; k < l2; k++) {
Ā  Ā  w2[k] = bigram[k + index + 1];
Ā  Ā }
Ā  Ā w2[l2] = '\0';

Ā  Ā // Find count of unigram
Ā  Ā node *uni_node = find(uni_tree, w1);
Ā  Ā if (uni_node != NULL) {
Ā  Ā  double uni_count = uni_node->value;
Ā  Ā  // P(WORD(k)|WORD(k-1)) = p
Ā  Ā  fprintf(out, "P(%s|%s) = %f\n", w2, w1, bi_count / uni_count);
Ā  Ā } else {
Ā  Ā  fprintf(stderr,
Ā  Ā  Ā  "Could not find a node for this unigram (extracted from %s): %s.\n",
Ā  Ā  Ā  bigram, w1);
Ā  Ā  fprintf(stderr, "The program terminated abnormally.\n");
Ā  Ā  exit(1);
Ā  Ā }
Ā  }
Ā  // Walk the right sub-tree
Ā  print_prob_helper(uni_tree, bi_tree->right, out);
Ā }

Ā * Print contents of a tree in order
Ā */
void print_prob(node *uni_tree, node *bi_tree, char *file_name) {
Ā // Pre-conditions
Ā if (uni_tree == NULL) {
Ā Ā 
Ā  fprintf(stderr, "Something wrong with the uni tree.\n");
Ā  fprintf(stderr, "The program terminated abnormally.\n");
Ā  exit(1);
Ā }

Ā if (bi_tree == NULL) {

Ā  fprintf(stderr, "Something wrong with the bi tree.\n");
Ā  fprintf(stderr, "The program terminated abnormally.\n");
Ā  exit(1);
Ā }

Ā FILE *out = fopen(file_name, "w");
Ā print_prob_helper(uni_tree, bi_tree, out);
Ā fclose(out);

node* update_tree(node *tree, char *w) {
Ā node *n = find(tree, w);
Ā if (n == NULL) {
Ā  tree = insert(tree, w, 1);
Ā } else {
Ā  n->value = n->value + 1;
Ā }

Ā return tree;

node* update_uni_tree(node *tree, char *w) {
Ā char *mono;

Ā mono = strdup(w);

Ā return update_tree(tree, mono);

Ā * Invalid bigram: ?v@??tremendous&force, w1: tremendous, w2: force
Ā */
node* update_bi_tree(node *tree, char *w1, char *w2) {
Ā char *bi;
Ā int l;

Ā l = strlen(w1) + 1 + strlen(w2) + 1;
Ā bi = (char*) malloc(l);

Ā strcpy(bi, w1);
Ā strcat(bi, delim);
Ā strcat(bi, w2);

Ā return update_tree(tree, bi);

void process_file(char *file_name) {
Ā // Make output file names
Ā int l = strlen(file_name);
Ā char uni_file_name[l + 5];
Ā char bi_file_name[l + 4];
Ā char cp_file_name[l + 4];

Ā strcpy(uni_file_name, file_name);
Ā strcat(uni_file_name, ".uni");

Ā strcpy(bi_file_name, file_name);
Ā strcat(bi_file_name, ".bi");

Ā strcpy(cp_file_name, file_name);
Ā strcat(cp_file_name, ".cp");

Ā printf("\nProcessing: %s\n", file_name);
Ā printf("Results will be written to:\n");
Ā printf("\t%s\n", uni_file_name);
Ā printf("\t%s\n", bi_file_name);
Ā printf("\t%s\n", cp_file_name);

Ā node *uni_tree = NULL;
Ā node *bi_tree = NULL;

Ā FILE *in = fopen(file_name, "r");
Ā char previous_word[100];
Ā char current_word[100];
Ā int index = 0;
Ā char c;
Ā bool can_update_bi = false;
Ā bool is_previous_good = false;
Ā while ((c = fgetc(in)) != EOF) {
Ā  // A-Z
Ā  if (c >= 65 && c <= 90) {
Ā  Ā c = c + 32; // convert to lower case
Ā  Ā current_word[index] = c;
Ā  Ā index++;
Ā  Ā is_previous_good = true;
Ā  } else if (c >= 97 && c <= 122) {
Ā  Ā current_word[index] = c;
Ā  Ā index++;
Ā  Ā is_previous_good = true;
Ā  } else if (is_previous_good) { // not a letter
Ā  Ā current_word[index] = '\0';
Ā  Ā uni_tree = update_uni_tree(uni_tree, current_word);
Ā  Ā if (can_update_bi) {
Ā  Ā  bi_tree = update_bi_tree(bi_tree, previous_word, current_word);
Ā  Ā } else {
Ā  Ā  can_update_bi = true;
Ā  Ā }
Ā  Ā // Prepare for next word
Ā  Ā strcpy(previous_word, current_word);
Ā  Ā index = 0;
Ā  Ā // the trees will not be updated if two non-alphabetical letters follow each other
Ā  Ā is_previous_good = false;
Ā  }
Ā }
Ā // The input file is no longer needed
Ā fclose(in);

Ā // Write results
Ā tprint(uni_tree, uni_file_name);
Ā tprint(bi_tree, bi_file_name);
Ā print_prob(uni_tree, bi_tree, cp_file_name);

Ā // Reclaim memory occupied by the trees
Ā clear(uni_tree);
Ā clear(bi_tree);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
Ā if (argc == 1) {
Ā  printf("Use: %s file_name_1.txt file_name_2.txt\n", argv[0]);
Ā } else {
Ā  for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
Ā  Ā process_file(argv[i]);
Ā  }
Ā }
Ā return 0;

in Computer ScienceĀ·
28 Apr 2021

Use Bst Below As Example feel free to use Whatever Feels Easiest

#include "bst.h"

* This function assumes that the key is allocated on the heap already
node* insert(node *temp_root, char *key, double value) {
if (temp_root == NULL) {
temp_root = malloc(sizeof(node));
temp_root->key = key;
temp_root->value = value;
temp_root->left = NULL;
temp_root->right = NULL;
} else if (strcmp(key, temp_root->key) < 0) {
temp_root->left = insert(temp_root->left, key, value);
} else if (strcmp(key, temp_root->key) > 0) {
temp_root->right = insert(temp_root->right, key, value);
} else {
printf("%s already exists in the tree. No action taken\n", key);
return temp_root;

* This functions searches for a key in a tree
* Returns the node that has the key or NULL otherwise
node* find(node *temp_root, char *key) {
node *result = NULL;
if (temp_root != NULL) {
if (strcmp(key, temp_root->key) == 0) {
result = temp_root; // I found it
} else if (strcmp(key, temp_root->key) < 0) {
result = find(temp_root->left, key);
} else {
result = find(temp_root->right, key);
return result;

void print_helper(node *tree, FILE *out) {
if (tree != NULL) {
print_helper(tree->left, out);
fprintf(out, "%s\t%f\n", tree->key, tree->value);
print_helper(tree->right, out);

* Print contents of a tree in order
void tprint(node *tree, char *file_name) {
FILE *out = fopen(file_name, "w");
print_helper(tree, out);

* Reclaim memory on the heap
void clear(node *tree) {
if (tree != NULL) {



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "bst.h"

const char *delim = "&";
// You may want to change the slash if you are working on Windows to '\'
const char slash = '/';

Ā * Walk the bigram tree and calculate the conditional probability
Ā */
void print_prob_helper(node *uni_tree, node *bi_tree, FILE *out) {
Ā if (bi_tree != NULL) {
Ā  // Walk the left sub-tree first
Ā  print_prob_helper(uni_tree, bi_tree->left, out);

Ā  // Process the current node
Ā  char *bigram = bi_tree->key;
Ā  double bi_count = bi_tree->value;
Ā  // Find the delim
Ā  int l1 = strlen(bigram);
Ā  int index = -1;
Ā  for (int i = 0; i < l1; i++) {
Ā  Ā if (bigram[i] == delim[0]) {
Ā  Ā  index = i;
Ā  Ā  break;
Ā  Ā }
Ā  }
Ā  if (index == -1) {
Ā  Ā fprintf(stderr, "Something wrong with this bigram: %s.\n", bigram);
Ā  Ā fprintf(stderr, "The program terminated abnormally.\n");
Ā  Ā exit(1);
Ā  } else {
Ā  Ā // Extract the first word from the bigram
Ā  Ā char w1[index + 1];
Ā  Ā for (int j = 0; j < index; j++) {
Ā  Ā  w1[j] = bigram[j];
Ā  Ā }
Ā  Ā w1[index] = '\0';

Ā  Ā // Extract the second word from the bigram
Ā  Ā int l2 = l1 - index - 1;
Ā  Ā char w2[l2 + 1];
Ā  Ā for (int k = 0; k < l2; k++) {
Ā  Ā  w2[k] = bigram[k + index + 1];
Ā  Ā }
Ā  Ā w2[l2] = '\0';

Ā  Ā // Find count of unigram
Ā  Ā node *uni_node = find(uni_tree, w1);
Ā  Ā if (uni_node != NULL) {
Ā  Ā  double uni_count = uni_node->value;
Ā  Ā  // P(WORD(k)|WORD(k-1)) = p
Ā  Ā  fprintf(out, "P(%s|%s) = %f\n", w2, w1, bi_count / uni_count);
Ā  Ā } else {
Ā  Ā  fprintf(stderr,
Ā  Ā  Ā  "Could not find a node for this unigram (extracted from %s): %s.\n",
Ā  Ā  Ā  bigram, w1);
Ā  Ā  fprintf(stderr, "The program terminated abnormally.\n");
Ā  Ā  exit(1);
Ā  Ā }
Ā  }
Ā  // Walk the right sub-tree
Ā  print_prob_helper(uni_tree, bi_tree->right, out);
Ā }

Ā * Print contents of a tree in order
Ā */
void print_prob(node *uni_tree, node *bi_tree, char *file_name) {
Ā // Pre-conditions
Ā if (uni_tree == NULL) {
Ā Ā 
Ā  fprintf(stderr, "Something wrong with the uni tree.\n");
Ā  fprintf(stderr, "The program terminated abnormally.\n");
Ā  exit(1);
Ā }

Ā if (bi_tree == NULL) {

Ā  fprintf(stderr, "Something wrong with the bi tree.\n");
Ā  fprintf(stderr, "The program terminated abnormally.\n");
Ā  exit(1);
Ā }

Ā FILE *out = fopen(file_name, "w");
Ā print_prob_helper(uni_tree, bi_tree, out);
Ā fclose(out);

node* update_tree(node *tree, char *w) {
Ā node *n = find(tree, w);
Ā if (n == NULL) {
Ā  tree = insert(tree, w, 1);
Ā } else {
Ā  n->value = n->value + 1;
Ā }

Ā return tree;

node* update_uni_tree(node *tree, char *w) {
Ā char *mono;

Ā mono = strdup(w);

Ā return update_tree(tree, mono);

Ā * Invalid bigram: ?v@??tremendous&force, w1: tremendous, w2: force
Ā */
node* update_bi_tree(node *tree, char *w1, char *w2) {
Ā char *bi;
Ā int l;

Ā l = strlen(w1) + 1 + strlen(w2) + 1;
Ā bi = (char*) malloc(l);

Ā strcpy(bi, w1);
Ā strcat(bi, delim);
Ā strcat(bi, w2);

Ā return update_tree(tree, bi);

void process_file(char *file_name) {
Ā // Make output file names
Ā int l = strlen(file_name);
Ā char uni_file_name[l + 5];
Ā char bi_file_name[l + 4];
Ā char cp_file_name[l + 4];

Ā strcpy(uni_file_name, file_name);
Ā strcat(uni_file_name, ".uni");

Ā strcpy(bi_file_name, file_name);
Ā strcat(bi_file_name, ".bi");

Ā strcpy(cp_file_name, file_name);
Ā strcat(cp_file_name, ".cp");

Ā printf("\nProcessing: %s\n", file_name);
Ā printf("Results will be written to:\n");
Ā printf("\t%s\n", uni_file_name);
Ā printf("\t%s\n", bi_file_name);
Ā printf("\t%s\n", cp_file_name);

Ā node *uni_tree = NULL;
Ā node *bi_tree = NULL;

Ā FILE *in = fopen(file_name, "r");
Ā char previous_word[100];
Ā char current_word[100];
Ā int index = 0;
Ā char c;
Ā bool can_update_bi = false;
Ā bool is_previous_good = false;
Ā while ((c = fgetc(in)) != EOF) {
Ā  // A-Z
Ā  if (c >= 65 && c <= 90) {
Ā  Ā c = c + 32; // convert to lower case
Ā  Ā current_word[index] = c;
Ā  Ā index++;
Ā  Ā is_previous_good = true;
Ā  } else if (c >= 97 && c <= 122) {
Ā  Ā current_word[index] = c;
Ā  Ā index++;
Ā  Ā is_previous_good = true;
Ā  } else if (is_previous_good) { // not a letter
Ā  Ā current_word[index] = '\0';
Ā  Ā uni_tree = update_uni_tree(uni_tree, current_word);
Ā  Ā if (can_update_bi) {
Ā  Ā  bi_tree = update_bi_tree(bi_tree, previous_word, current_word);
Ā  Ā } else {
Ā  Ā  can_update_bi = true;
Ā  Ā }
Ā  Ā // Prepare for next word
Ā  Ā strcpy(previous_word, current_word);
Ā  Ā index = 0;
Ā  Ā // the trees will not be updated if two non-alphabetical letters follow each other
Ā  Ā is_previous_good = false;
Ā  }
Ā }
Ā // The input file is no longer needed
Ā fclose(in);

Ā // Write results
Ā tprint(uni_tree, uni_file_name);
Ā tprint(bi_tree, bi_file_name);
Ā print_prob(uni_tree, bi_tree, cp_file_name);

Ā // Reclaim memory occupied by the trees
Ā clear(uni_tree);
Ā clear(bi_tree);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
Ā if (argc == 1) {
Ā  printf("Use: %s file_name_1.txt file_name_2.txt\n", argv[0]);
Ā } else {
Ā  for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
Ā  Ā process_file(argv[i]);
Ā  }
Ā }
Ā return 0;

in Computer ScienceĀ·
28 Apr 2021

gutenberg code below if to difficult feel free to use ANY THING THAT HELPS


#include "bst.h"

* This function assumes that the key is allocated on the heap already
node* insert(node *temp_root, char *key, double value) {
if (temp_root == NULL) {
temp_root = malloc(sizeof(node));
temp_root->key = key;
temp_root->value = value;
temp_root->left = NULL;
temp_root->right = NULL;
} else if (strcmp(key, temp_root->key) < 0) {
temp_root->left = insert(temp_root->left, key, value);
} else if (strcmp(key, temp_root->key) > 0) {
temp_root->right = insert(temp_root->right, key, value);
} else {
printf("%s already exists in the tree. No action taken\n", key);
return temp_root;

* This functions searches for a key in a tree
* Returns the node that has the key or NULL otherwise
node* find(node *temp_root, char *key) {
node *result = NULL;
if (temp_root != NULL) {
if (strcmp(key, temp_root->key) == 0) {
result = temp_root; // I found it
} else if (strcmp(key, temp_root->key) < 0) {
result = find(temp_root->left, key);
} else {
result = find(temp_root->right, key);
return result;

void print_helper(node *tree, FILE *out) {
if (tree != NULL) {
print_helper(tree->left, out);
fprintf(out, "%s\t%f\n", tree->key, tree->value);
print_helper(tree->right, out);

* Print contents of a tree in order
void tprint(node *tree, char *file_name) {
FILE *out = fopen(file_name, "w");
print_helper(tree, out);

* Reclaim memory on the heap
void clear(node *tree) {
if (tree != NULL) {

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rubyguinea-pig837 asked for the first time

You have been given an encrypted copy of theĀ Final exam study guide here, butĀ how do you decrypt and read it???

Along with the encrypted copy, some mysterious person has also given you the following documents:

helloworld.txtĀ -- Maybe this file decrypts to say "Hello world!". Hmmm.

hints.txtĀ -- Seems important.

In a file called pa11.py write a method called decode(inputfile,outputfile).Ā  Decode should take two parameters - both of which are strings.Ā  The first should be the name of an encoded file (either helloworld.txt or superdupertopsecretstudyguide.txt or yet another file that I might use to test your code).Ā  The second should be the name of a file that you will use as an output file.Ā  For example:

Ā Ā Ā  decode("superDuperTopSecretStudyGuide.txt" , "translatedguide.txt")

Your method should read in the contents of the inputfile and, using the scheme described in the hints.txt file above, decode the hidden message, writing to the outputfile as it goes (or all at once when it is done depending on what you decide to use).

Hint: The penny math lecture isĀ here.

Another hint: Don't forget about while loops...

Mac hint: use encoding="utf-8" in your file open functions, like this:

fin = open(input_file,"r",encoding="utf-8")


Submitting your assignment

To upload your homework for grading, submit your program to the homework submission system. It will give partial credit.
Hint: First get capital letters working, then lowercase letters, then numbers, then everything else...

Congrats on submitting the last assignment of the semester!

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whitealligator668 asked for the first time
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whiterhinoceros204 asked for the first time

Start filling in the gaps now
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