A publication company that markets both book and audiocassets versions of its works.
create a class called publication that stores the title (a string) and price (type float) of
publication. This class includes getdata() and showdata() member functions for input and output
data members. This class also includes a pure virtual member function “ISOversize()”. From this
class derive two classes: Book, which has a page count (type int) and Tape class which has a
playing time in minutes (type float). Each of these two derived classes should override the base
class member functions. Let’s say that a book with more than 500 pages, or a tape with a
playing time longer than 90 minutes, is considered oversize. You can access member functions
from main() and display the string “Oversize” for oversized books and tapes when you display
their data.
Write a main() program that creates an array of pointers to publication. In a loop, ask the user
for data about a particular book OR tape.
A publication company that markets both book and audiocassets versions of its works.
create a class called publication that stores the title (a string) and price (type float) of
publication. This class includes getdata() and showdata() member functions for input and output
data members. This class also includes a pure virtual member function “ISOversize()”. From this
class derive two classes: Book, which has a page count (type int) and Tape class which has a
playing time in minutes (type float). Each of these two derived classes should override the base
class member functions. Let’s say that a book with more than 500 pages, or a tape with a
playing time longer than 90 minutes, is considered oversize. You can access member functions
from main() and display the string “Oversize” for oversized books and tapes when you display
their data.
Write a main() program that creates an array of pointers to publication. In a loop, ask the user
for data about a particular book OR tape.