Homework Help for Economics

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Economics deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. It studies how individuals, businesses, governments, and nations make choices about how to allocate resources.

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in Economics·
25 Jan 2019

While most of your friends in college have dreams of going into corporate positions, you have always wanted to start your own business and be your own boss. After some preliminary study at the US Small Business Administration site, you see one of the first steps in starting a business is to develop a comprehensive business plan. This step is vital in laying out a strategy for success and in acquiring funding for the business. Your personal dream has been to market a new product with one of your friends. You'll need to borrow money to start the business and so you decide to write a business plans. Review the basics of the business plans at the US Small Business Administration site. While a real business plan would be quite massive in detail, for the purposes of this exercise you'll be addressing only a very small portion of a total business plan. To see how other businesses have written their plans, please feel free to go to the sample business plans site at B Plans Inc. http://www.bplans.com/sp/businessplans.cfm Your assignment is to develop a PowerPoint presentation presenting your idea to HIGHLAND VENTURE CAPITALISTS in order to obtain funding for your business --a new bottled water company (or any other company of your choosing.) Starting with a named, well- defined business: 1. State your company mission 2. Will there be a physical store or will you sell it on the Web? 3. What needs does your business fill and why is it different than other similar products? Who are the potential customers for your product and why will they purchase it from you rather than your competitors? 4. How will you reach your potential customers? 5. What form of business organization will you use and why? What steps will you take to obtain that form of organization? 6. What laws must you comply with regain the sale of this particular product?

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