19 May 2018

14. The cost of the specialized netting that is essential for catching swordfish rises. At the same time, the price of salmon rises, As a result, in the market for swordfish: A) P and Q' both rise'n B) P and Q' both fall Prises and Q' falls D) P falls and Q' rises EP rises, but we do not know exactly what happens to Q F) P' falls, but we do not know exactly what happens to Q G) Qrises, but we do not know exactly what happens to P H) Q' falls, but we do not know exactly what happens to P I) either P and Q' both rise, or P and Q both fall, or neither changes J) either prises and Q' falls, or p falls and Q' rises, or neither changes

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Nestor Rutherford
Nestor RutherfordLv2
21 May 2018

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