
1. (TCOs 2, 4, 5, 6) The idea that the assisted suicide of terminally ill patients should be allowed simply at the patient's direction reflects what type of ethics? (Points: 5)
Hobbes' State of Nature
Rand's Objectivism
Aristotle's concept of Virtue
Thomas Aquinas' concept of conscience
Socrates' concept of excellence
Question 2.2. (TCOs 1, 2, 7) What is the moral ideal of compassion? (Points: 5)
Acts of unmerited kindness
Sentiment in response to the suffering of others
Acknowledging the sufferings of others
Acts of altruism
Acts contrary to Objectivism
Question 3.3. (TCOs 1, 2) One of the common errors in Ethics is that of the double standard. The double standard consists of what? (Points: 5)
Discriminating in the application of ethical criteria based on our own preferences
Setting aside ethical criteria in special cases
Taking steps to avoid condemnation of others
Using one set of criteria for judging cases concerning ourselves and another for all others
Suspending judgment when concerned that the consequences would be too severe
Question 4.4. (TCO 2) Prescriptive language is commonly used in ethics for what reason? (Points: 5)
To indicate what is prohibited or impossible
To indicate that one choice is better than others
To show what actions are legal
To convey requirements and obligations
To indicate that there are really no choices available
Question 5.5. (TCOs 7, 8) Each person ought to do whatever will best promote his or her own interests. (Points: 5)
Kant's Categorical Imperative
Social Contract Theory
Ethical Egoism
Question 6.6. (TCOs 2, 4, 9) Free people are motivated toward forming social structures according to a social contract in order to overcome what problem identified by Thomas Hobbes? (Points: 5)
The need to overcome disagreements
A perpetual state of warfare
The establishment of a monarchy
Taxation to support the costs of government
Organized ways to select leaders
Question 7.7. (TCOs 3, 6) Agricultural biofuels are not properly a renewable source of energy in the environmental ethics debate. Which of the following also is not a renewable source of energy? (Points: 5)
Windmill turbines
Hydroelectric power
Tidal flow generators
Biomass waste systems
Solar cells
Question 8.8. (TCOs 3, 6, 7) Where in our course does the following phrase apply: 'The only thing good without qualification is a good will'? (Points: 5)
Personal habits of excellence according to Plato
The social contract according to Locke
Deontological ethics according to Mill
Natural law ethics according to Aquinas
Deontological ethics according to Kant
Question 9.9. (TCOs 8, 9) John Stuart Mill's theory of Utilitarianism is the most common form of ethics in use today. It is used so commonly because it belongs to which of the Primary Schools of Ethics? (Points: 5)
Question 10.10. (TCOs 3, 6, 7) What is the purpose of proving whether a syllogism of formal logic is 'valid'? (Points: 5)
To identify the connecting phrase 'therefore' or a synonym of it before proceeding further
To determine whether the situation described is accurate
To determine whether the premises are true before continuing
To determine whether the conclusion proceeds from the premises
To determine that there are only two premise statements in the syllogism
Question 11.11. (TCOs 1, 2) Solving a dilemma involves realizing what aspect of it? (Points: 5)
You will never be satisfied that the right choice was made
Some choices of action are more realistic than others
In deciding to choose one action, the other possible choices will be lost
Not everybody involved will be happy with the choice
There may be significant personal costs to choosing
Question 12.12. (TCOs 1, 2, 7) According to Thomas Aquinas, what ethical capacity do people of every culture naturally possess? (Points: 5)
Logical thinking
Personal virtues
Ability to learn lessons
Question 13.13. (TCOs 2, 8) The single criterion for making decisions in utilitarian ethics is what? (Points: 5)
The experience of pleasure
Accounting for unintended consequences
Fiduciary interests to be honored
The amount of happiness produced
The principle to be honored
Question 14.14. (TCOs 1, 2, 5) The world view of ruthless and unending competition for property and wealth was spelled out in which of these concepts? (Points: 5)
Locke's notion of the natural state of man
Rawls' notion of the veil of ignorance
Aristotle's notion of the doctrine of the mean
Hammurabi's code of law
Hobbes' state of nature
Question 15.15. (TCOs 3, 6, 7) Which school of ethics is primarily applied as a practical matter through rights and duties? (Points: 5)
Normative ethics
Consequentialist ethics
Deontological ethics
Interdisciplinary ethics
Question 16.16. (TCOs 2, 7, 8) Personal development and discovery through the repetition of good acts and study of virtue characterize what ethicist? (Points: 5)
Question 17.17. (TCOs 2, 8) Professional societies with codes of ethics and conduct enforce what standard on members beyond the paying of dues? (Points: 5)
Not to engage in other businesses for profit outside of the profession
Personal standards of behavior for family members
Pricing structures for services
Non-competition among members
Meeting ethical and competency standards in order to practice within a jurisdiction
Question 18.18. (TCOs 2, 7) Aristotle's Ethical Doctrine of the Mean measured personal virtues on a scale that included the virtue itself, the excess of it, and the deficiency of it.

If the virtue is GENEROSITY, and the excess is WASTEFULNESS, what is the deficiency?

(Points: 5)
There is no deficiency
Being broke (having no money)
Question 19.19. (TCOs 8, 9) Processes and systems designed to slow down disagreeing behavior and think situations through more deliberately are called (Points: 5)
value clarification processes.
conflict resolution systems.
objectivist tactics.
primary schools of ethics.
care-based ethics.
Question 20.20. (TCOs 1, 2) The Latin term a priori describes the origin of knowledge developed rationally, and the term a posteriori describes knowledge developed through observation and experience. What is produced through a priori rational thought that applies to ethics? (Points: 5)
Analysis systems
Principles of ethics
Concern for outcomes
Subjective sense of identity

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Darryn D'Souza
Darryn D'SouzaLv10
28 Sep 2019
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