
The price of Stock ABC is currently $70. A put option on 100 shares of Stock ABC has an exercise price of $75 and this option currently sells for a premium of $9.50.

A. What is the intrinsic value and the time value of the option today?

B. What is the break-even future stock price associated with the options? (Show calculation)

C. If the stock price on the expiration date is $78, what is the net profit on this transaction to the person who wrote the option? The person who bought the option?

D. If the stock price on the expiration date is $71, what is the net profit on this transaction to the person who wrote the option? The person who bought the option?

E. If the stock price on the expiration date is $41, what is the net profit on this transaction to the person who wrote the option? The person who bought the option?

F. What is the maximum possible net profit for the person who purchased the option? What is the maximum possible net loss to the person who wrote the option?

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Namita kumari
Namita kumariLv6
28 Sep 2019

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