
Part 1

Evaluate whether each of the following statements is true or false. Explain your answer and provide a supporting rationale.

a.The short-run aggregate supply (SAS) curve slopes upward because households spend more as their incomes increase.

b.The long-run aggregate supply curve can never shift.

c.Either a decrease in the nominal money supply by the Federal Reserve, all else held constant or an increase in the price level, all else held constant, will shift the aggregate demand (AD) curve to the left.

d.The Keynesian portion of the short-run aggregate supply (SAS) curve would be relevant during a recessionary situation.

e.Stagflation occurs when the aggregate demand (AD) curve shifts out on the upward sloping portion of the short-run aggregate supply (SAS) curve.

Part 2

Evaluate whether each of the following statements is true or false. Explain your answer and provide a supporting rationale, using graphs to support your answer. You can create graphs by hand and take pictures and upload them with your answers, or you may use Word or Excel, and upload the file created by these software packages.

a.If the real money demand is greater than the real money supply, interest rates must rise to reach equilibrium in the money market as institutions sell bonds to obtain more money.

b.The federal government's control of the money supply, which influences interest rates, is the primary tool that policymakers use to impact the macroeconomy.

c.A decrease in the reserve requirement decreases the money supply because banks have fewer reserves.

d.The real money demand curve shows how households and businesses change their spending in response to changes in the interest rate.

e.Both an increase in the nominal money supply by the Federal Reserve and an increase in the price level will cause the real money supply curve to shift to the right.

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Chika Ilonah
Chika IlonahLv10
28 Sep 2019
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