
This week you have read about the effects of strategy switching and what happens when Industrial policy becomes the driver in the development process. The need to search for and promote dynamic comparative advantage is very important at the national level.Appropriate institutions at the national and local levels need to support warranted strategy switches.

As an executive you are asked to produce a power point presentation where you are:

1) Explaining the effects of the national level strategy switching on the local level.

2) Develop a short term strategy addressing the need to look and promote a dynamic comparative advantage (in terms of products, services etc. ) that need to be supported locally.

3) Suggest how local public or private institutions can support warranted strategy switches at the local level.

In max. 12 sppt. slides present your points. APA style

Note: 1. the book is: Economics of Development, 7th Ed. for Perkins

Note 2: you can write it as a paragraph and I will transform it to PowerPoint

Note 3: you can ready about comparative advantage for David Ricardo through these links




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Vaishnavi Kanukurti
Vaishnavi KanukurtiLv10
28 Sep 2019

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