
1. Consider an economy in which all taxes are autonomous and the following values of autonomous consumption, planned investment, government expenditure, autonomous taxes, and the marginal propensity to consume are given: Ca=1,400 Ip=1,800 G=1,900 Ta=1,750 c=0.6

a. What is the level of consumption when the level of income (Y) equals $10,000?
b. What is the level of saving when the level of income (Y) equals $10,000?
c. What is the level of planned investment when the level of income (Y) equals $10,000? What is the level of actual investment? What is the level of unintended inventory investment?
d. Show that injections equal leakages when income (Y) equals $10,000.
e. Is the economy in equilibrium when income (Y)=$10,000? If not, what is the equilibrium level of income described in this question?
f. Is there a surplus or deficit in the government budget at the equilibrium level of income? How much?

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Joshua Stredder
Joshua StredderLv10
28 Sep 2019
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