
There are two workers in the economy, A€, and B; A€ can go to school and B€ cannot. Education increases future income according to the following function: I(e)= 50(e)/(1+e). Total cost per year of schooling equals 2, and thus: mc(e)=2

a. Derive the marginal income function.
b. What is the optimal schooling level for worker A?

Suppose that educated workers also increase the productivity of a non-educated one, according to the following function: B(e)=e (i.e. the benefit for the non-educated worker for each year of schooling studied by the educated worker is 1).

c. What is the optimal schooling level for worker A from the social point of view?
d. How can you achieve it?
e. Explain the difference between your answers to b. and c.

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Joshua Stredder
Joshua StredderLv10
28 Sep 2019

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