
For questions 1, 2, 3, and 6 you are welcome to use Wikipedia. However, you should cite at least two other sources in each question. Your sources should be identified at the end of each answer. As you can see by now many of the assignments are very important to our understanding of the topics, but they have not been integrated as well into the course as I would like. This assignment is very different. Much of the discussion here is to better understand Latin America, a region of the world that we will need to skip because of time constraints. Some of you will be writing a country report about one that uses ISI. Some of this information may be useful to include in your report. Other sources you could consult are in the reference section of the library or you can ask a librarian for help. 1. What is Import Substitution Industrialization? (between 200-400 words) 2. Raul Prebisch was one of the prominent proponents of ISI, write a short biography of him (between 200-400 words) 3. Explain why Prebisch and others proposed ISI (up to 250 words). 4. Visit the site EconoMonitor and once there search for the article On Populism in Argentina (and other Latin American Countries) by Nicholas Magud published June 25th, 2008. Summarize it. 5. Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Mexico, and Bolivia among many countries followed both ISI and Economic populism. Visit the IMF site at www.imf.org and click on Data and Statistics, then click on World Economic Outlook Databases, select the October 2014 database,and select By Countries, next Latin America and the Caribbean. Find inflation in percent change for Argentina, since 1980 to date and graph the data in several sub-periods so it can show the different inflation rates better. In a couple paragraphs describe what you see. 6. Brazil, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, and India followed ISI and different levels of Economic Populism, choose one of these five countries and explain when your selected country followed ISI and when it stopped following ISI? Why did your country stop using ISI? What were the consequences of ISI and Economic Populism in your country? (no less than 250 words and up to 700 words)

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 Kritika Krishnakumar
Kritika KrishnakumarLv10
28 Sep 2019

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