
Bob, Sue, and Katie go out every week and spend whatever money they have left from the week on a dinner at Burger Bart's, the only restaurant in town. The amount of cash they have at the end of the week is the most they will pay, but if there's anything left over after dinner, then they will also play video games. Bob always has $7, Sue always has $8, Katie always has $15, and Burger Bart knows this. His marginal cost of providing a meal is constant at $5 no matter how many meals he makes.


  • If Bart can only charge one price to the group, what price will he charge?
  • How many meals will be sold?
  • How much is the producer surplus and the consumer surplus? 


  • If Bart can perfectly price discriminate, what prices will he charge?
  • How many meals will he sell?
  • How much will the producer and consumer surplus be now? 

C. How would this be different if there were another restaurant in town? How many restaurants are in town?

D. What must be true for the results to hold for the competitive market?

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Insha Fatima
Insha FatimaLv10
28 Sep 2019

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