
1) Which of the following things would increase the value of Total Factor Productivity (TFP)?

a. A new production method that can produce smaller, more efficient microchips.

b. None of the other answers.

c. A company hires a large amount of workers after building a brand new factory.

d. Foreign investors invest in physical capital.

2) The country of Rupertopia has one factory for all its workers in 2011 and 2012. There were 100 workers in 2011 and 150 workers in 2012. Additionally, there were 200 people living in Rupertopia in 2011 and 1,000 people in 2012. Real GDP was one million dollars in 2011 and two million dollars in 2012. Which of the following statements regarding labor productivity is true:

a. Labor productivity in Rupertopia exhibits constant returns.

b. Labor productivity in Rupertopia exhibits increasing returns.

c. Labor productivity in Rupertopia exhibits diminishing returns.

d. More information is needed to determine whether labor productivity in Rupertopia exhibits diminishing, constant, or increasing returns.

3) Which of the following changes would help to improve a country's productivity level?

a. Improvements in the health of workers

b. None of the other answers.

c. Tuition increases at local Universities

d. A lower birth rate

4) When workers already have a large quantity of capital to use in producing goods and services, giving them an additional unit of capital increases their productivity only slightly. This statement:

a. is an assertion that capital is subject to increasing returns.

b. is made under the assumption that the quantities of human capital, natural resources, and technology are being held constant.

c. represents an unconventional view of the production process.

d. All of the other answers are correct.

5) Economic growth can be influenced by government policies. Which of the following can influence the economy's growth rate?

a. All of the other answers are correct

b. Promoting research and development of technologies

c. Fostering education

d. Maintaining property rights

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Joshua Stredder
Joshua StredderLv10
28 Sep 2019

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