
Marketing Mix (4 P): Product - overall product positioning, Product positioning, Product design considerations, Scope of product line

Price pricing strategy, What is the pricing objective and strategy; skimming, penetration, market holding, cost plus, etc., Currency fluctuations/exchange rates, Inflation within the country, Government controls, Ethical consideration with the price of the product

Distribution Channels: Distribution channels to use: An established channel within the country, Must motivate the existing distribution channel to sell your product, Build your own channel

Global Digital Promotional Strategy Integrated Marketing Communication

Identify the digital IMC plan that works best for the marketing mix and strategy. Come up with a digital communication strategy and present the practical implementation of it.

What is the One Voice Communication message (copy or written slogan)?

How will you represent this message (visual)?

How will you digitally communicate your marketing message to your target market? Digital strategy for each promotional area used in your IMC.

Campaign Timeline visual representation of the integration of tactical executions in a Timeline!

Advertising  Paid Media, Display Ads, Rich Media Ads, E-Mail advertisements, Text Link Ads

Sponsored Content

Public Relations Blogs/Chat/Social Media, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube

Promotions: Text coupons, Online sweepstake, Online games, QR codes

Expectations: Must include a slogan, visual layouts of promotions and promotional implementation plan and calendar

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Chika Ilonah
Chika IlonahLv10
28 Sep 2019

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