
In The News: Antitrust laws were passed to encourage and promote market competition among firms within an industry because competitive markets are thought to better serve consumers. These laws serve to level the playing field between the business and the consumers by controlling or limiting business behavior in terms of pricing ability, etc.

The anti-trust laws and their application are better understood within the context of their intended purpose and circumstances. This also implies that the laws will be enforced differently over time as the interpretation of such phrases as substantially reduce competition or restraint of trade contained in the laws changes.

Go to the Antitrust Case Browser.

Read through a few of the cases and report on your favorite case.

Explain (in your own words) what happened in the case you chose.

Why did you find the case interesting?

Did the case seem fair, reasonable and serve the interests of the consumer?

If you were asked to decide the case, what if anything would you have done differently? Why?

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 Kritika Krishnakumar
Kritika KrishnakumarLv10
28 Sep 2019

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