25 May 2018

29) In June of this year, an unusually good growing season resulted in an abundance of strawberries. With this increase in supply, the price of strawberries tumbled. For some growers the price wasn't high enough to cover the cost of hiring labour, so they opened their fields to locals and offered them "you pick for free" deals. If "you pick for free" strawberries are substitutes in consumption for store-bought strawberries, we would have observed A) a decrease in equilibrium price but an increase in the equilibrium quantity of store-bought stawberries. B) an increase in the equilibrium price but a decrease in the equilibrium quantity of store-bought stawberries.. C) an increase in the equilibrium price and the equilibrium quantity of store-bought stawberries.. D) a decrease in the equilibrium price and the equilibrium quantity of store-bought stawberries.. E) none of the above.

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Deanna Hettinger
Deanna HettingerLv2
26 May 2018

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