13 Feb 2018

You have been appointed head of university parking enforcement. Your mission is to eliminate illegal parking. Car drivers are completely rational expected utility maximizers. They have utility functions given by u=x(1/2) where x is $ of consumption on things other than parking. But of course, everyone must park, whether legally or illegally. People start with $144. A legal parking permit costs $63, and if you catch someone parking illegally you are allowed to fine them $80.

a) If university is able to catch illegal parkers half the time, will people buy permits? Draw the picture and show your math.

b) Catching illegal parkers is expensive. Exactly how often do you have to catch illegal parkers, before they will buy the $63 parking permit instead? (Hint: Set EU legal = EU illegal and solve for p, the probability that you catch them).

c) Now go back to catching illegal parkers

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Tod Thiel
Tod ThielLv2
15 Feb 2018
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