18 Apr 2019

The statements below are about monopolistic competition. Indicate whether each statement is true or false by moving the true or false labels to the appropriate boxes.

1. A monopolistically competitive firm may be able to distinguish itself from other firms by adjusting the physical attributes of its product, by offering a distinctive level of service, or by selecting a convenient location. 2. Product differentiation enables a monopolistically competitive firm to have some control over the price of its product. 3. In the long run each monopolistically competitive firm produces a level of output that results in allocative efficiency. 4. In the long run each monopolistically competitive firm produces a level of output that results in productive efficiency. 5. To maintain a competitive edge and earn economic profits, a monopolistically competitive firm has an incentive to improve its product. 6. Compared with purely competitive markets, under monoplistic competition consumers with a diversity of tastes can benefit from the opportunity to choose from a greater range of products and services. 7. In order to maximize its profits, each monopolistically competitive firm must determine the price of its product, how to differentiate its product, and how much it will spend on advertising.

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Collen Von
Collen VonLv2
21 Apr 2019

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