20 Oct 2018

When a monopoly lowers its price to increase quantity,

a. The quantity produced drives down marginal revenue

b. It will increase its profits

c. It will make less money on the units it would have orginally sold

d. It is not maximizing its profit

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

a. Both A and B

b. A monopoly can charge whatever it wants

c. Profit maximizatin occurs by setting price first

d. A monopoly cannot set price and quantity such that the point lies above the demand curve

A monopoly that is maximizing profits operates is the _______ portion of the demand curve

a. Unitary elastic

b. Horizontal

c. Elastic

d. Inelastic

A monopoly shuts down when,

a. The long run price is below its average variable cost

b. Never, because it can raise its prices as high as necessary to keep operating and maximizing profits

c. The short run price is below its average variable cost

d. The average cost is less than price

The ability of a monopoly to charge a price that exceeds marginal cost depends on,

a. Shape of the marginal cost curve

b. The price elasticity of supply

c. Price elasticity of demand

d. Slope of the demand curve

Which of the following could create a cost advantage for a monopoly?

a. Lower friction due to better organization

b. Better technology

c. All of the above

d. Standardization

Price discrimination,

a. Is illegal in the U.S.

b. Is when consumers use prices to discriminate between different quality products

c. Is a form of pricing where consumers pay different prices for a good

d. Allows firms to set a single intermediate price between consumers' low and high willingness to pay

Which of the following is likely hardest to resell?

a. The free facial you won at a raffel

b. An apple iPod

c. A coupon for a free haircut

d. A discount airline tickey you bought with your frequent flyer miles

If a monopoly charges higher prices to consumers who buy smaller quantities than to consumers who buy larger quantities; then,

a. Consuers who buy larger quantities have a higher price elastiity of demand

b. Consumers who buy smaller quantities have a lower price elasticity of demand

c. Both A and C

d. Consumers who buy larger quantities have a lower price elasticity of demand

Purchasing a season pass t the local symphony,

a. Is an example of third degree price discrimination

b. Is an example of second degree price discrimination

c. Is an example of first degree price discrimination

d. All of the above

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Patrina Schowalter
Patrina SchowalterLv2
21 Oct 2018
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