28 May 2019

Chapter 5 Homework—Using Active and Passive Voice to Communicate Effectively

Analyzing this case requires an understanding of the following:
-Active voice.
-Passive voice.
-Contexts in which active and passive voice are appropriately used.

George Ellis, your friend and co-worker, has just stopped by your cubicle. He is upset because the new chief information officer (CIO) complained to George's supervisor about an e-mail George sent to the CIO regarding a reimbursement form. The CIO feels George's message was rude and condescending. She is new to the company and unfamiliar with your reimbursement policy. She thinks George is scolding her.

George showed you the message:

"Reminder: Could you please fill in all of the parts of your T90 form so that you can be reimbursed by the company? You did not complete the fields for the credit card number or the date of your meeting. You also must remember to sign the form. Reimbursement will be made once the form has been completed."

George does not understand what went wrong. As the person responsible for processing reimbursements for such things as entertaining clients or corporate travel, he frequently sends messages like this to employees

Where does George use active voice in his sentences (list all uses)?

Where does George use passive voice in his sentences (list all uses)?

Identify the active voice constructions that are appropriate and those that sound blaming or scolding. Then identify the passive constructions that are appropriate and those that lead to dull or less vigorous writing. Rewrite the message to reflect appropriate use of active and passive voice.

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Collen Von
Collen VonLv2
30 May 2019

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