16 Aug 2019

Based on the criteria used by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), identify each person’s status as employed, unemployed, “not in the labor force” (if not in the civilian labor force but still part of the adult population), or “not in the adult population” if not in the civilian adult population.

Kenji is a 71-year-old professor. He teaches only one or two courses a year, but he's still pursuing an active research agenda.

Lucia is a 27-year-old recent college graduate. She did not work for pay last week, but she had two job interviews.

Paolo is a 39-year-old graphic designer who is taking 2 years off from work to care for his small daughter.

Amy is a 26-year-old who lost her job as a copy editor for a local newspaper. She has spent the past few weeks out of work and interviewing for other editing jobs. She is thinking about going back to grad school if her job search doesn't succeed after a few more weeks.

Van is a 17-year-old who just graduated from high school. He is taking it easy this summer, relaxing by the pool with his friends and family, and volunteering part-time at the local nursing home.

Sharon is a 11-year-old student at West Valley Middle School. She babysits her younger sister and does other chores, so her parents give her an allowance of $20 per week.

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Lelia Lubowitz
Lelia LubowitzLv2
16 Aug 2019

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