
You are a benefits consultant reviewing the group life and disability coverages offered by one of your client firms.

a. The firm is currently considering two group life insurance benefit plans with the following basic characteristics:

Plan A Plan B

Type Term Life Whole Life

Benefit 2 times annual $10,000 per year

salary of service

Premium Contributory Non-contributory

_Comment on the relative attractiveness of the two plans according to their type, benefit, and premium arrangements. (be very specific)

b. The disability plan this firm offers provides short-term benefits equal to 100% of salary for 3 full years and long-term lifetime benefits equal to 75% of salary. The definition of disability for both short- and long-term benefits is termed as "total and continuous inability to perform any and every aspect of the regular occupation." The plan is not integrated with workers' compensation or Social Security benefits at all. Explain to the firm why they have such a high rate of disability claims. (be very spicific)

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Deanna Hettinger
Deanna HettingerLv2
30 Sep 2019

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