
Ladies and Gentlemen, Please help with following questions, I also provided direct link to the CAFR that needs to be used:

27. Does the government have revenue bonds or pledged revenues associated with business-type activities? Please explain.

28. Do the financial statements include a Statement of Cash Flows? What are the categories presented and were there net inflows or outflows in each of these categories? What was the net change in cash during the year?

29. Has the government entered into Service Concession Arrangements? If so, please explain the nature of this arrangement.

30. Other than bonds, what other long-term debt, such as compensated absences, was reported on the financial statements or in the notes?

31. What are the main classes of capital assets presented in the government's Statement of Net Position and in the notes to the financial statements?Direct link: http://www.daytonohio.gov/DocumentCenter/Home/View/1901

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Bunny Greenfelder
Bunny GreenfelderLv2
28 Sep 2019

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