
The 2015 financial statements for Growth Industries are presented below:

Sales $ 330,000
Costs 215,000
EBIT $ 115,000
Interest expense 23,000
Taxable income $ 92,000
Taxes (at 35%) 32,200
Net income $ 59,800
Dividends $ 35,880
Addition to retained earnings 23,920


Assets Liabilities
Current assets Current liabilities
Cash $ 9,000 Accounts payable $ 16,000
Accounts receivable 14,000 Total current liabilities $ 16,000
Inventories 37,000 Long-term debt 230,000
Total current assets $ 60,000 Stockholders’ equity
Net plant and equipment 270,000 Common stock plus additional paid-in capital 15,000
Retained earnings 69,000
Total assets $ 330,000 Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity $ 330,000

Sales and costs in 2016 are projected to be 30% higher than in 2015. Both current assets and accounts payable are projected to rise in proportion to sales. The fixed assets of Growth Industries are operating at only 75% of capacity. Interest expense in 2016 will equal 10% of long-term debt outstanding at the start of the year. The firm will maintain a dividend payout ratio of .60.

What is the required external financing over the next year?

Even if sales increase by 30%, the firm still has more than enough fixed assets to meet production. Only working capital will increase.

Net working capital of the firm in 2015 was $____

The increase in net working capital will be $____, which is less than the increase in the retained earnings.

Thus required external financing is $_____

A negative external financing value indicates the firm will generate more cash than it needs to finance the projected growth. This extra cash can be used to reduce debt, repurchase shares, increase cash reserves, or fund future growth. This extra cash was primarily due to the firm's excess production capacity.

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Jean Keeling
Jean KeelingLv2
28 Sep 2019

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