15 Feb 2019

The City bank of Techiman has a problem. It has three employees who must perform the following functions

maintain general ledger

maintain accounts payable ledger

maintain accounts receivable ledger

prepare cheques for signature

maintain disbursement for journal

Reconcile the bank accounts

handling and deposit cash receipts

Assuming there is no problem as to the reliable of any of the employees. in a manner that achieves the greatest segregation of duties. it may be assume that these may employee will perform no other accounting function than the ones listed. and that any other accounting function not listed will be performed by person other than these three employees.

be prepare to give reason for your decision

state how you will distribute the above function among the three employees.

list any possible unsatisfactory combination of the above listed function and give reasons.

what control will you put in place if segregation is

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Jean Keeling
Jean KeelingLv2
18 Feb 2019

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