
(topic) How To Motivate Your Online Learners During The Pandemic




please i need to be answer

In this assignment you will follow the ‘A’ step of the ADDIE model. The requirements are listed below:

  1. You will need to choose any HRM-related topic that you are interested in, and would like to deliver a training program on.
  2. Your audience is going to consist of students atSchool of Business and Law.
  3. Conduct a needs assessment through the use of either interviews and/or questionnaires. Please justify your choice. You may use our class as a sample, or you may choose to get responses from other students in addition to the students in our class.
  4. Include copies of the questionnaire and/or interview questions along with results in the appendix of the report.
  5. Please ensure that you include at least two of the Needs Assessment Stages covered in the course (As a reminder, the stages consist of business needs; performance needs; learning needs and learner needs) and include questions that are relevant to those needs.
  6. Provide information about the needs regarding the training, clearly highlighting the purpose for the training and the benefit it will provide to attendees.
  7. Within the needs analysis get information about the personal characteristics of the audience that may help or hinder learning transfer. Also obtain information about the learning styles of the audience, as well as their familiarity with your chosen topic.
  8. Analyze your results and highlight the implications on your training design. This may include what aspects you will need to consider when designing your training session; the format of your training session; your delivery style and so on.


Introduction (1.5)

All required components and ideas are discussed. All details appropriate and accurate.

Choice of Needs Assessment Method (1)

All required components and ideas are discussed. All details appropriate and accurate.

Needs Assessment Stages and Questions (3)

All required components and ideas are discussed, along with actual examples. All details appropriate and accurate.

Trainee characteristics (1)

All required components and ideas are discussed, along with actual examples. All details appropriate and accurate.


All required components and ideas are discussed, along with actual examples. All details appropriate and accurate.

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