23 Nov 2019

Describe the three main stages involved in metastasis, including a description of the relevant cellular properties.

Describe the first stage involved in metastasis.

Select the two correct statements.

1) Cancer cells invade surrounding tissues and penetrate through the walls of lymphatic and blood vessels, thereby gaining access to the bloodstream.

2) The first step is facilitated by increased motility of cancer cells and increased size of the pores of surrounding tissues that allows the cells to pass by.
3) Cancer cells invade surrounding tissues and penetrate through the walls of lungs, thereby gaining access to the location of the most active receptors for adhesion as well as organ-specific conditions that influence cancer cell growth.
4) The first step is facilitated by decreased cell-cell adhesion, increased motility, and secretion of proteases that degrade the extracellular matrix and basal lamina.
Cancer cells attach to air or carbon dioxide bubbles and pass with them through the walls of lymphatic and blood vessels, thereby gaining access to the bloodstream.
The first step is facilitated by increased motility of cancer cells and increased adhesion to the air or carbon dioxide bubbles.

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Deanna Hettinger
Deanna HettingerLv2
27 Mar 2019
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