13 Dec 2019

inny Genestudy performs the following experiment. She wants to replicate a test strand of DNA using wildtype of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (budding yeast) and two mutants which she calls poor-rep1 and poor-rep2. She performs the experiment with her wildtype strain, and her test DNA strand replicates perfectly. She does the same experiment with poor rep-1 and discovers that this strain can only synthesize the DNA strand if she adds a purified wildtype DNA polymerase-a exogenously. When she performs the experiment with poor rep-2 she discovers that adding wildtype DNA polymerase-a has no effect. Which of the following scenarios is a possibility for the poor rep-1 and poor rep-2 strains.

The poor rep-1 strain has a mutation in the gene that codes for either PriS or PriL but not the gene encoding polymerase-a, whereas the poor rep-2 strain has a mutation in the gene that codes for polymerase-a.

The poor rep-1 strain has a mutation in the gene that codes for PriS and polymerase-a, but not PriL, and the poor rep-2 strain has a mutation in the gene that codes for PriS or PriL but not the gene that codes polymerase-a

The poor rep-1 strain has a mutation in the gene that codes for PriL and polymerase-a, but not PriS, and the poor rep-2 strain has a mutation in the gene that codes for polymerase-a, but not PriS or PriL

The poor rep-1 strain has a mutation in the gene that codes for Pola, but not for either PriS or PriL, and the poor rep-2 strain has a mutation in the gene that codes for either PriS or PriL but not for the gene that codes for polymerase-a .

All of the above are correct

P.S the answer in Q and A is wrong, so posting here thanks

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Nestor Rutherford
Nestor RutherfordLv2
17 Dec 2019
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