13 Dec 2019

1.) Which of the following describe a difference in transcription between prokaryotes and eukaryotes? Select all correct answers.

A - Control of transcription in eukaryotes is affected by chromatin structure, which is lacking in prokaryotes.

B - Specificity and efficiency of transcription are mediated primarily by DNA-binding proteins in prokaryotes but not in eukaryotes.

C - Bacterial transcriptional control sequences are generally much closer to the genes being transcribed than those of eukaryotes.

D - Eukaryotes do not have operons and therefore do not transcribe genes with similar functions together.

2.) Which of the following types of RNA are transcribed by RNA polymerase II? Select all correct answers

A - snRNA

B - tRNA

C - rRNA

D - mRNA

E - siRNA

F - miRNA

3.) Which of the following statements regarding eukaryotic transcription are TRUE? Select all correct answers

A - General transcription factors are designated TFII followed by a number, and they function in initiation of transcription across the eukaryotic genome.

B - RNA polymerase II has a critical carboxy-terminal domain that is phosphorylated during active transcription.

C - The most highly transcribed eukaryotic genes contain CpG islands upstream of their transcription start site rather than TATA boxes.

D - Distal enhancers, like promoter-proximal elements, are composed of several small, 6-10 bp functional sequence elements.

4.) Which of the following does NOT correctly match a molecular technique with the purpose for which it is used?

A - Linker scanning mutagenesis: identification of specific sequences that control transcription in a large regulatory region

B - DNase I footprinting: identification of the portion of a specific DNA sequence to which a particular known protein binds

C - Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP): genome-wide identification of the DNA binding sites of a specific protein

D - EMSA (electrophoretic mobility shift assay): detection of protein-protein binding activity of transcription factors upon protein purification.

5.) Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A - Multiple types of activation domains are activated by the binding of other molecules such as co-activators and ligands.

B - Hormone binding to nuclear receptors induces their movement from the nucleus to the nucleolus in order to promote rDNA transcription.

C - The amino acid sequence of the linkage between activator and DNA-binding domains in transcriptional activator proteins is critical for their function.

D - Activation domains across eukaryotic species are often rich in basic amino acid residues.

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Deanna Hettinger
Deanna HettingerLv2
17 Dec 2019
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