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10 Nov 2021

Given information

Sound, like all waves, travels at a certain speed and has frequency and wavelength parameters. While viewing a fireworks show, you may see visual proof of sound speed. The flash of an explosion is seen long before the sound of the explosion is heard, suggesting that sound has a limited speed and is significantly slower than light. A sound's frequency can also be directly sensed. Pitch is the perception of frequency.

Although the wavelength of a sound cannot be directly experienced, indirect evidence may be discovered in the relationship between the size and pitch of musical instruments. Small instruments, like the piccolo, produce high-pitch sounds, and huge instruments, like the tuba, produce low-pitch noises. The size of a musical instrument is closely proportional to the wavelengths of sound it generates, and a high pitch indicates a tiny wavelength. As a result, short-wavelength sounds are produced using a little device. Long-wavelength sounds are created by a huge instrument, according to similar reasons.

Step-by-step explanation

Step 1.
The speed depends on the medium used (sound waves travel quicker through water than through air, for example), as well as the qualities of the medium, particularly temperature.
The phrase is most usually used to refer to the sound speed in the air.

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