9 Nov 2019

Artificial gravity is a must for any space station if humans areto live there for any extended length of time. Without artificialgravity, human growth is stunted and biological functions breakdown. An effective way to create artificial gravity is through theuse of a rotating enclosed cylinder, as shown in the figure. Humanswalk on the inside edge of the cylinder, which is sufficientlylarge (diameter of 2235 meters) that its curvature is not readablynoticeable to the inhabitants. (The space station in the figure isnot drawn to the scale of the human.) Once the space station isrotating at the necessary speed, how many minutes would it take thespace station to make one revolution?

The distance traveled by the man in one revolution is simply thecircumference of the space station, C = 2p R. From this result, youshould be able to deduce the time it takes for the space station tosweep out a complete revolution.

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Jamar Ferry
Jamar FerryLv2
6 Sep 2019

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