9 Nov 2019

Most stars maintain an equilibrium size by balancing two forces - an inward gravitational force and an outward force resulting from the star's nuclear reactions. When the star's fuel is spent, there is no counterbalance to the gravitational force. Whatever material is remaining collapses in on itself. Stars about the same size as the sun become white dwarfs, which glow from leftover heat. Stars that have about three times the mass of the Sun compact into neutron stars. And a star with a mass greater than three times the Sun's mass collapses into a single point, called a black hole. In most cases, protons and electrons are fused together to form neutrons - this is the reason for the name neutron star. Neutron stars rotate very fast because of the conservation of angular momentum. Imagine a star of mass 7.29·1030 kg and radius 9.05·108 m that rotates once in 26.0 days. Suppose this star undergoes gravitational collapse to form a neutron star of radius 12.3 km. Determine its rotation speed.

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Jarrod Robel
Jarrod RobelLv2
7 May 2019
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