12 Nov 2019

Assume that the atmosphere has a temperature (T = 235 K) that isindependent of altitude. The pressure of the atmosphere is the sumof the partial pressures of the gases present (N2, O2, etc.). Thepartial pressure of each type of gas varies with altitude, h,according to the condition of constant chemical potential.

Define h(N2) as the altitude at which the partial pressure ofnitrogen (28 g/mole) falls to 1/2 of its value at sea level. Defineh(H2) as the altitude at which the partial pressure of hydrogen (2g/mole) falls to 1/2 of its value at sea level.

What is the difference between h(H2) and h(N2)?

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Lelia Lubowitz
Lelia LubowitzLv2
12 Oct 2019

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