20 Nov 2019

find D, L, y, λ.

Electrons are incident on a double slit and pass through toascreen as shown. Each of the five animations gives a snapshotofthe data collected at a later time period. If the slitis0.08-microns wide and the distance to the screen is 1.2 m, whatisthe de Broglie wavelength of the electron (signal isincounts of 100 and the position on the screen is giveninmm).

Here is an Image of time 5

You can view the other times on Problem 5.7 onthislink:

Hint: use equation: I=I0sin2(πDy/λL)/(πDy/λL)2and solve for value of y when I first goesto zero.Remeber that y is the distance from center on the screen,which theanimation refers to as x.

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Irving Heathcote
Irving HeathcoteLv2
9 Apr 2019

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