20 Nov 2019

x.Hme magnetic flux through a certain region is changing with time:

energy must bedissipated as heat an electric field mustexist at theboundary an emf must existaround theboundary a current must flowaround the boundary

A square loop of wire lies in the plane of the page. Adecreasingmagnetic field is directed into the page. The inducedcurrent in theloop is:
clockwise counterclockwise clockwise in twoofthe loop sides and counterclockwise in the other two zero dependsupon whether or not B is decreasing at aconstantrate

As an externally generated magnetic field through a certainconductingloop increases in magnitude, the field produced at pointsinside theloop by the current induced in the loop must be:
increasing inmagnitude decreasinginmagnitude in the same directionas theapplied field directed opposite tothe applied field perpendicularto theapplied field

As an externally generated magnetic field through a certainconductingloop increases in magnitude, the field produced at pointsinside theloop by the current induced in the loop must be:
increasing inmagnitude decreasinginmagnitude in the same directionas theapplied field directed opposite tothe applied field perpendicularto theapplied field

A long straight wire is in the plane of a rectangular conductingloop.The straight wire carries a constant current i, asshown. Whilethe wire is being moved toward the rectangle thecurrent in therectangle is:

zero counterclockwise clockwise in theleftside and counterclockwise in the right side counterclockwiseinthe left side and clockwise in the right side clockwise

The emf developed in a coil "X" due to the current in a neighboringcoil"Y" is proportional to the:
rate of change ofmagnetic field in X thickness of the wireinX magnetic field in Xcurrent in Yresistance of X

In the experiment shown:

since the two loopsare not connected, the current in G is alwayszero there is a steadyreading in G as long as S isclosed the current in thebattery goesthrough G there is a current

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