23 Nov 2019

Olympic long jumper is 1.88m tall and weighs 79.3kg. Intheworld record jump of 8.95m, his center of massrises1.0m.

1.) What was his take off angle?
2.) what was his velocity as his foot left the ground?
3.) For his last several steps Mike was travelling at aconstantvelocity. As his foot hit the takeoff he
extended his leg 0.2m in 0.2 seconds. Assuming each thigh muscleis13% of total body
weight what is the mass specific power output of hismuscle?
4.)Through a specialized training regimen Powell can eitherincreasehis horizontal (sprinting faster) or vertical (jumpinghigher) poweroutput by 10% without affecting the other parameters.Which is abetter course of training?

Please help!!!

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