23 Nov 2019

Please please please help, I have a huge physicsproject duebut am a complete loss at what type of circuitsthese are
1) A circuit consists of three identical lightbulbsconnectedto a battery, but their wiring scheme is unknown. Whenbulb C isunscrewed, all the lights turn off. When bulb A isunscrewed, theother two stay on: bulb C becomes dimmer and bulb Bbecomesbrighter.
2) A circuit consists of three identical lightbulbsconnectedto a battery, but their wiring scheme is unknown. Whenbulb A isunscrewed, this causes bulb B to turn off but bulb C'sintensitydoes not change.
I understand the concept of complex circuits but cannotfirureout which bulbs are in series, parallel, and where they areplaced.Karma points will be awarded

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Keith Leannon
Keith LeannonLv2
3 Feb 2019

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