23 Nov 2019

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a noninvasive method forstudying brain function, and possibly for treatment as well. Inthis technique, a conducting loop is held near a person's head.When the current in the loop is changed rapidly, the magnetic fieldit creates can change at a rate of 3.00 104 T/s. This rapidlychanging magnetic field induces an electric current in a restrictedregion of the brain that can cause a finger to twitch, a brightspot to appear in the visual field, or a feeling of completehappiness to overwhelm a person. If the magnetic field changes atthe previously mentioned rate over an area of 1.75 10-2 m2, what isthe induced emf?

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Deanna Hettinger
Deanna HettingerLv2
2 Feb 2019

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