23 Nov 2019

Original: Antarctica is roughly semicircular, with a radius of 2000km. The average thickness of its ice cover is 3000 m. How manycubic centimeters of ice does Antarctica contain? (Ignore thecurvature of the Earth)

Modified: #12 is also NOT about conversion factors. You are to meltthe Antarctic icecap linearly in 100 years due to global warmingand calculate the rate of rise of the world's oceans. Use areasonable factor for the land/ocean ratio and don't worry aboutsmall changes due to the ocean rise. However, assume that theworld's less affluent countries, particularly on the Indiansubcontinent, will suffer some serious problems if the rise issignificant. Assume 50 million people are distributed linearly atone million persons per foot of elevation rise. Calculate thenumber of persons displaced or killed by the rising oceans, byyear. Propose a solution to this problem, realizing you can't stopthe rise.

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