23 Nov 2019

Astronomers have observed a small, massive object at the centerof our Milky Way galaxy. A ring of material orbits this massiveobject; the ring has a diameter of about 15 light years and anorbital speed of about 200 km/s.
A) Determine the mass of the massive object at the center of theMilky Way galaxy.
Take the distance of one light year to be 9.461×1015m. Iwas able to get this it is 4.26×1037kg.
B) Express your answer in solar masses instead of kilograms, whereone solar mass is equal to the mass of the sun, which is1.99×1030. I got this to it is 2.14×107 solarmasses
C)Observations of stars, as well as theories of the structure ofstars, suggest that it is impossible for a single star to have amass of more than about 50 solar masses. Can this massive object bea single, ordinary star? I got this it is no.
D) Many astronomers believe that the massive object at the centerof the Milky Way galaxy is a black hole. If so, what is itsSchwarzschild radius? Express your answer in meters.
E)Would a black hole of this size fit inside the earth's orbitaround the sun? The mean distance from the sun to the earth is1.5×1011m.
Please solve part D and E. For part D please show equations andsolve all the way through. I worked it twice and I am getting myanswer wrong. I am afraid I am making a silly mistake.

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