23 Nov 2019

i don't have a way to show the picture but for this question there is a picture of man bent over at the waist picking up a weight from off the floor. The weight appears to be a few inches off the ground. Where the waist bends is labeled pivot. His back muscle is also labeled. Here is the question, A person bends over and lifts a 200-N weight with his back horizontal. The muscle that attaches two thirds of the way up the spine maintains the position of the back; the angle between the spine and the muscle is 12 degrees. Taking the weight of the upper body to be 350N, find the tension in the back muscle and the compressional force in the spine. I know that one of the answers should be 2705.4755 and that the eq. for torque is used but i am not completely sure how to work this problem out. Thanks for the help.

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Casey Durgan
Casey DurganLv2
19 Feb 2019

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