23 Nov 2019
What is the relationship between the current through a resistor andthe potential difference (Voltage) across the resistor if theresister is made of ohmic material, Draw a graph of voltage versuscurrent for the resistor. How is the slop relates to itsresistance.
Do you expect the increasing temperature to affect the resistanceof the bulb, if so, how? sketch a qualitative graph of voltageacross a light bulb versus current through the light bulb.
What is the relationship between the current through a resistor andthe potential difference (Voltage) across the resistor if theresister is made of ohmic material, Draw a graph of voltage versuscurrent for the resistor. How is the slop relates to itsresistance.
Do you expect the increasing temperature to affect the resistanceof the bulb, if so, how? sketch a qualitative graph of voltageacross a light bulb versus current through the light bulb.
Jamar FerryLv2
20 Jan 2019