27 Nov 2019

consider a thin plastic rod bent into an arc of radius R andanglealpa. The rod carries a uniformly negative charge -Q.
what are the components Ex and Ey of the electric field attheorigin? Follow the standard four steps.
A) use a diagram to explain how you will cut up the chargedrod, anddraw the change of E contributed by a representativepiece.
B) Express algerbrically the contribution each piecemakes to the xand y components of the electric field. Be sureto show yourintegration variable and its origin on your drawing.(Hinnt: an arcof radius R and angle change of theta measured inradians has alength R*change of theta.)
C) Write the summation as an integral, and simplify theintegrationas much as possible. State explicitlythe range ofyour integrationvariable. Evaluate the integral.
D) Show that your result is reasonable. Apply as manytests as youcan think of.

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