27 Nov 2019

a.) A hockey puck is observed to be sliding along a flatfrictionless surface at a speed of 4 cm/min. There is no net forceacting on the puck. Assuming it doesn't smash into anything, howfast will the puck be going 17 min later?

b.) An object is accelerating. Which one of the followingstatements is true?
The object must be speeding up.
Gravity must be causing the object to accelerate.
The object must be changing directions.
The object must be slowing down.
There is a net force acting on the object.

c.) A 100 kg block weighs 220 lb on Earth. If the block weretransported to a planetary body that had a smaller free fallacceleration (as compared to Earth), which one of the followingwould be true?
The block would have the same weight and a smaller mass.
The block would have the same mass and a bigger weight.
The block would have the same mass and the same weight.
The block would have the same weight and a bigger mass.
The block would have the same mass and a smaller weight.
d.) What does it mean (in physics) to say that a quantity isconserved?
It means that the quantity is not being used.
It means the total amount is zero.
It means the total amount never changes.
It means it's being saved up.

e.) At a certain point in time, the total energy of a closed systemis observed to be 176 J. Which one of the following statements istrue?
Three hours later the energy of the system is 352 J.
Four hours later the energy of the system is 88 J.
All of the energy must be kinetic if the objects are moving.
Twelve hours later the energy of the system is 176 J.
Some of the energy must be potential.

g.) Which of the following statements are impossible? Choose allthat apply.
The parked truck had 8770 J of KE.
The scooter had 0 J of KE and 0 kg·m/s of momentum.
A ball moving in a circle had 0 N of net force acting on it.
A box had an acceleration of 0 m/s2 while a net force of 311 Nacted on it.
Jack exerted 18 N of force due east on a cart. As a direct result,the cart exerted 18 N of force due west upon Jack.
A toothpick exerts a smaller gravitational force upon the Moon thanthe Moon exerts upon it.

a.) Two balls make up a closed system. Ball A has 701 J of energyand ball B has 78 J. After they collide, ball A has 665 J. How muchenergy does ball B have after they collide?

b.) An asteroid and a comet collide head on. Prior to thecollision, the asteroid has a momentum of 700,000 kg·m/s up and thecomet has a momentum of 800,000 kg·m/s down. After the collisionthe asteroid has a momentum of 750,000 kg·m/s down. After thecollision, what is the comet's momentum?
No direction because the comet has stopped

c.) How much does a 28 kg object weigh on Moon? Please feel free toreference the Solar System Data table located at the beginning ofUnit II.

d.) A 660 N net force acts on a 42 kg object. Determine theobject's acceleration.

e.) Calculate the gravitational force between a 657 kg object(resting on Earth) and the Moon. The mass of the Moon is 7.347×1022kg and the distance between the object & the Moon is 3.844×108m.

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Irving Heathcote
Irving HeathcoteLv2
23 Jan 2019
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