
Three blocks are at rest on a smooth, horizontal table. You push on block A (m = 1.50 kg) to the right with a horizontal force of F push. As a result, block A pushes on block B (m = 2.50 kg), block B pushes on block C (m = 1.20 kg), and the system of blocks moves to the right with an acceleration of 1.12 m/s2. What is the magnitude of the force that block B exerts on block C?

A) 1.65 N

B) 7.45 N

C) 1.34 N

D) 2.75 N

E) 5.82 N

In the scenario described above, what is the magnitude of the force that block A exerts on block B? In the scenario described above, what is the magnitude of the force that block A exerts on block B?

A) 2.80 N

B) 6.90 N

C) 4.14 N

D) 1.34 N

E) 5.82 N

In the scenario described above, what is the magnitude of the force F push? In the scenario described above, what is the magnitude of the force F push?

A) 1.32 N

B) 2.75 N

C) 4.14 N

D) 7.12 N

E) 5.82 N

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B. Haranadh Kumar
B. Haranadh KumarLv10
29 Sep 2020

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